Age: 13 years
Nationality: Maori/Pakeha
Member of Sorority since: Jan 2011
Auckland Regionals 2011 - 1st Place
NZ Dance Championships 2011 - 1st Place
Since becoming a member of Sorority I have had to up my game. I haven’t worked so hard before in my life but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
When I heard our name “Sorority” called for “first place” at the National Hip Hop Championships I immediately felt... proud that all our hard work had paid off and even more that our choreographer who is competing in America’s Best Dance Crew, Parris Goebel would be so proud of us!
The person I most admire in my life is…. PARIS GOEBEL because she is an AMAZING TALENTED DANCER and has always seen my potential and encouraged me to be the best I can be and better.
On my next birthday I wish for... Sorority to WIN worlds 2011 :).
The most fun part of being in Sorority is... Getting to dance and preform with such talented dancers as SORORITY AND REQUEST members .
What would you do if you were invisible for a day... I would jump on a plane for free and fly to America to watch the ReQuest Girls at Americas Best Dance Crew.
Being a part of Sorority has... Showed me that dancing isn’t about who’s watching, it’s about feeling each and every set and dancing from the inside.